
上海安亭洛浦路45号 400-820-8326


SG series Diaphragm Wall Grab Showing Their Supernatural Power Again


Continuous News on Hubei Xinglong Water Conservancy Project
The South-to-North water diversion central line project has made a satisfactory success in phase one and phase two and it has gone into the phase three.


Normally, the domestic hydraulic diaphragm wall grab is hard to excavate the 66m deep and 0.8m wide groove going through cobble layer below 35m for anti-seepage wall, but the two SG 40A manufactured by Shanghai Jintai got the trust from the contractor due to their high efficiency, excellent quality and stability. Since then, the contractor decided that all diaphragm wall grabs for the project would be bought from Shanghai Jintai. According to the statistics, during project construction peak time, there were ten SG series machine working for the project simultinously.
Recently, there will be another two SG 40A diaphragm wall grabs going to the project site. We believe that Shanghai Jintai’ diaphragm wall grabs will carry on the past heritage and open up the future with their superb quality and vigorous life force.